Partnering with us

Supporting our communities with the help of our partners.

We work and partner with many organisations in different ways. From being able to help store the trishaws and promoting the fantastic work of Cycling without age, to creating the Foodhub in partnership with Scottish Borders Council, Cyrenians and Fairshare. A project that is going strong and making an amazing difference to so many households and communities across the Borders. If you have something you think we could help with, please do get in touch below.

abundant borders
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OPAL Borders Transparent
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Partnering with other organisations

The fantastic partnership with Opal which aims to maintain and improve older people’s independence and social connections has brought fantastic digital learning sessions to our supported housing developments as well as many other classes. The groups are provided to encourage social interaction and reduce isolation.

At the start of the pandemic in 2020, the Eildon Group with support from Scottish Borders Council, linked up with the homelessness charity Cyrenians (which acts as the FareShare franchise for Central and South East Scotland) to collectively distribute much needed food supplies to foodbanks and community groups in the Scottish Borders. This invaluable service has grown from strength to strength and is making such a difference supporting local foodbanks. Since September 2021, we’ve received and distributed over 29 tonnes of food from Fair Share and 1500 of our furry friends have also benefited.

Abundant Borders works within our communities to create a network of food gardens across the Scottish Borders. The community food gardens help people to learn how to grow their own food in a sustainable way and then how to turn that food into healthy, inexpensive meals.

The Borders Housing Network are helping the Scottish Borders with housing and much more….


The four Scottish Borders Housing Associations (Berwickshire HA, Eildon HA, SBHA and Waverley Housing) come together under the banner of Borders Housing Network to address key challenges facing the region more effectively through collaboration. The network offers joint support programmes, optimising resources and increasing the quality and accessibility of services to tenants across the Scottish Borders, including:

  • Securing over £1.5m since March 2021 to tackle fuel poverty
  • Making a pledge with CIH to help tackle domestic abuse
  • Raising awareness of Cuckooing/County Lines
  • Borders Employment Support and Mentoring project – offering local community-based advice and support, signposting and linking people with local services & providers.

Changeworks is Scotland’s leading energy efficiency organisation, with over 35 years’ experience in delivering impactful low carbon living solutions. We’ve had fantastic collaborations with this organisation to bring training to our own staff on how Eildon as an organisation can help towards energy efficiency as well as working with them to bring help and support for our tenants.

Ally Ramage

If you’d like to be a supplier

Please contact our Community Partnership Manager Ally Ramage on 07917 816 570.