Celebrating fifty years

It’s with great pride that we mark our 50th Anniversary of providing Housing and
Care in the Borders.

We came from such humble beginnings in 1973 when a small group of staff at Dingleton
hospital nurtured an idea to help those in most need of housing and support in our community. That little seed has grown.

We’ve stayed true to our origins and values and over the years we’ve worked with many fantastic people and organisations. One thing I can absolutely put my hand on my heart and say is that Board members and staff, past and present, are unified in working to address the housing, care and support needs within the Borders, and will remain committed to this task beyond this landmark 50th anniversary.

To our many tenants and customers from over the years…
I want to say a huge thank you.

Nile Istephan,
Eildon CEO

Have a look through our new Anniversary brochure which details the last fifty years of Eildon.