Eildon’s Extra Care Service receives high praise from the Care Inspectorate
Our extra care services at Dovecot Court, Peebles and Wilkie Gardens, Galashiels had an unannounced visit from the Care Inspectorate in January 2025 and received high praise for the quality of our regulated care and support.
The Care Inspectorate reported that the staff teams were warm, caring and the positive team culture led to a warm atmosphere within the service enabling good relationships to be built with people receiving support. One tenant reported “it is a privilege to live here”, whilst another commented “staff are a tonic, better than any pills!”
At the last inspection in August 2023, the Care Inspectorate assessed the service as Grade 5 – Very Good, which we are delighted to have been awarded again this time around. Our auditing systems, which includes an internal self-evaluation framework, means we are able to evaluate and identify areas to develop and improve, which was noted positively by the Care Inspectorate. Also noted was the proactive approach to improvement, which meant people could be assured the service was responsive and there was continual learning, ensuring positive outcomes for people living and receiving support within these services.
Agnes Bell, our Care Services Manager said “It’s been a team effort by all staff to offer extra care services which are recognised as providing positive outcomes. We are extremely proud of everyone and the outstanding support they deliver.”