Shortlisted Twice at the Scottish Home Awards for 2022
We’re absolutely thrilled to learn we have been shortlisted as a Finalist for the Scottish Home Awards 2022.
Not only once, but twice, in the Affordable Housing Development of the Year (Social Rent) category.
The qualifying new developments are Galashiels-based – Wilkie Gardens and Elworthy Place.
Wilkie Gardens is an impressive state-of-the-art extra care development consisting of 39 one- and two-bedroom flats built on what was the derelict site of the old Langhaugh Mill. The total cost of the development was £8.4 M including £3M Scottish Government grant and £1.8M funding from Scottish Borders Council, with more than £3.5M from Eildon HA.
Elworthy Place, off Huddersfield Street in Galashiels provides 35 new homes – 34 2-bedroom flats, and on the ground floor a 1-bedroom wheelchair accessible flat. There is an automatic lift from the ground to all four floors. Elworthy Place was named after Galashiels-born Dr Scilla Elworthy – a world-renowned, award-winning peace activist who has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize. The total project cost £6.18M with funding from Scottish Government of £3,119,810 and Eildon financing £3,063,722. The main contractor was Cruden Building East.
The Award Ceremony is taking place on Thursday 23 June 2022 at the Doubletree Hilton Hotel in Glasgow. We wish all entrees the very best of luck on the night!