Our annual care consultation – 2024

We surveyed all our
supported and extra care
developments on the care service
we provide.


We recently surveyed all our supported and extra care developments on the care service we provide. The outcome of the care survey when we asked for feedback on the overall quality of our services
provided across care developments was 87% satisfaction. This is a high level of satisfaction however we know there is always room for improvement and have reflected on feedback in the survey to focus on what we need to do better.

95% of tenants said they felt well cared for and also felt supported to be as independent as possible and their choices respected. Tenants also told us staff are helpful and friendly and that they receive a good service. The survey highlighted the need for more meaningful involvement to coproduce new activities. To understand better what tenants wanted us to do differently, we conducted a separate survey to gather more focused feedback covering the social activities provided. 100 tenants in total participated.

Meal serviceLet’s Talk sessionsDigital learning and social activities
For our extra care services with meal provision, tenants told us they wanted more food choices. We are now working with an external
catering consultant to develop and improve our meals provision.
We recognise that a formal response, communicated to meet individual needs in the format of minutes issued quickly after each meeting along with updates on progress would be helpful. We are working on improvements and ensuring consistency across our care developments.We are actively involved with the General Store in Selkirk, offering a
digital lending library with free devices available for up to 6 months – see following page for more details.