Factoring & ground maintenance

We are registered in the Property Factor Register under the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011, Registered No. PF000205 and are a Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO15026.

As a registered property factor, we are legally required to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct provided for in the Act, a copy of which can be found on the Scottish Government’s website.

We provide a property factoring service to owners under the terms and conditions of their property titles, other formal documentation with legal effect, and relevant legislation including the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003, the Tenements (Scotland) Act 2004 and the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011

The Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 defines “Property Factor” as:

“a local authority or housing association which manages the common parts of land used to any extent for residential purposes and owned –
(i) by two or more other persons, or
(ii) by the local authority or housing association and one or more other person”

Within our factoring service we will aim to include:

  • Instructing common reactive maintenance and repairs
  • Planning for, arranging and overseeing cyclical maintenance and major repairs
  • Co-ordinating environmental maintenance and services
  • Ensuring comprehensive buildings insurance for the full rebuilding value
  • Providing management and administration services
  • Select contractors to carry out appropriate works. Contractors will be procured in full adherence to the Public Contract Regulations Scotland
  • Provision of regular information and consultation
  • Apportioning costs and liaising with solicitors regarding sales and re-sale

If you are an Eildon factoring customer, our Factoring Policy, Factoring Procedure and your Written Statement of Services can be found below.

If you are interested in finding out more about our Factoring Service please contact us on 03000 200 217 or housing@eildon.org.uk.

Station Avenue

Ground maintenance

The following work is carried out where applicable, as part of the Grounds Maintenance.

– Grass Cutting
– Maintenance of Hard Standing Areas
– Maintenance of Hedging
– Maintenance of Planted Areas
– General shrub and heather beds
– General shrub and heather beds; in stepped/terraced areas
– General Maintenance
– Inspection of Trees

Find our more on the type of work we cover as part of our Grounds Maintenance.